Pick & Win: Easy Lottery Wheel Selection

Choose your winning lottery wheel easily. Click a Wheel ID, pick numbers on the ticket board, and get closer to the jackpot.
 How to use?

Simply select a wheel below by clicking on the link of the Wheel ID (if you haven't read yet how to interpret Wheel ID, click here) in the far left column. A ticket board will appear on your screen, and you'll be prompted to pick numbers.

To quickly find the right wheel to play, you can click on Wheel, # Wheel Pool, Win Guarantee, or # Combinations to reorder the wheel list.

You can also use Wheel Finder to quickly find the right wheel to play.

 34 Key Number Wheels for Pick 5 Games
Wheels # Wheel Pool Win Guarantee # Combinations
 K-5-6-3-3-3 63 of 33
 K-5-7-3-3-3 73 of 33
 K-5-8-3-3-5 83 of 35
 K-5-9-3-3-6 93 of 36
 K-5-10-3-3-8 103 of 38
 K-5-11-3-3-9 113 of 39
 K-5-7-4-4-6 74 of 46
 K-5-8-4-4-12 84 of 412
 K-5-9-4-4-14 94 of 414
 K-5-10-4-4-25 104 of 425
 K-5-11-4-4-30 114 of 430
 K-5-12-4-4-47 124 of 447
 K-5-13-4-4-57 134 of 457
 K-5-14-4-4-78 144 of 478
 K-5-15-4-4-91 154 of 491
 K-5-20-4-4-258 204 of 4258
 K-5-9-4-5-6 94 of 56
 K-5-10-4-5-9 104 of 59
 K-5-11-4-5-14 114 of 514
 K-5-12-4-5-20 124 of 520
 K-5-13-4-5-27 134 of 527
 K-5-6-5-5-5 65 of 55
 K-5-7-5-5-15 75 of 515
 K-5-8-5-5-35 85 of 535
 K-5-9-5-5-70 95 of 570
 K-5-10-5-5-126 105 of 5126
 K-5-11-5-5-210 115 of 5210
 K-5-12-5-5-330 125 of 5330
 K-5-13-5-5-495 135 of 5495
 K-5-14-5-5-715 145 of 5715
 K-5-15-5-5-1001 155 of 51001
 K-5-16-5-5-1365 165 of 51365
 K-5-17-5-5-1820 175 of 51820
 K-5-18-5-5-2380 185 of 52380