Texas Pick 3 Night Past Winning Numbers

Texas Pick 3 Night past winning numbers, organized in reverse chronological order by drawing dates.
Texas (TX) Pick 3 Night Past 30 Day Winning Numbers
From: THU 01/16/25   ~   Thru: SAT 02/15/25
FRI 02/14/25 0-7-7
THU 02/13/25 4-8-7
WED 02/12/25 8-5-3
TUE 02/11/25 7-2-3
MON 02/10/25 8-5-5
SAT 02/08/25 2-5-6
FRI 02/07/25 7-3-5
THU 02/06/25 0-1-4
WED 02/05/25 6-4-7
TUE 02/04/25 5-7-8
MON 02/03/25 3-5-0
SAT 02/01/25 5-1-2
FRI 01/31/25 7-7-6
THU 01/30/25 8-7-1
WED 01/29/25 5-7-2
TUE 01/28/25 8-8-7
MON 01/27/25 4-5-4
SAT 01/25/25 3-6-9
FRI 01/24/25 6-7-6
THU 01/23/25 4-6-2
WED 01/22/25 1-1-6
TUE 01/21/25 1-9-2
MON 01/20/25 3-8-5
SAT 01/18/25 2-7-8
FRI 01/17/25 3-8-1
THU 01/16/25 1-8-7
  • Smart Pick for Texas (TX) Pick 3 Night
  • Quick Pick for Texas (TX) Pick 3 Night
  • Recent Texas Pick 3 Night Numbers
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    How to Play Texas Pick 3 Night?

    Play Pick 3 Twice A Day! Pick 3 is a twice daily game offering a 50-cent play, twelve drawings a week (six Day and six Night drawings) and a top prize of $500 (on a $1 play.)

    It's easy to play. Just pick three numbers from "0" to "9", choose how you want to play them, the number of drawings you want to play and the time of day you want to play. Pick 3 drawings are held twice daily at 12:27 p.m. and 10:12 p.m. Central Time. Pick 3, 2 Times A Day, 2 Times The Fun!

    First, pick three numbers from "0" to "9" or mark the QP (Quick Pick) box and your numbers will be randomly selected for you.

    Second, select how you want to play your three numbers (Exact Order, Any Order, Exact/Any Order, Combo).

    Exact Order - You win if your numbers match the winning numbers in the exact order they are drawn.

    Any Order - You win if your numbers match the winning numbers in any order.

    Exact/Any - For a little extra money you can play both exact order and any order. You win if you match the winning numbers in Exact Order or in Any Order.

    Combo - Simply a convenient way to play all possible Exact Order combinations on one ticket.

    You can play all four ways on the original Pick 3 playslip. The 'EZ to Play' playslip allows you to play Exact Order, Any Order, or Exact/Any. You will find both at your participating Texas Lottery retailer.

    Third, choose the number of drawings you want to play. You can play up to:

    12 consecutive Day drawings only;

    12 consecutive Night drawings only; or

    12 consecutive Day and Night drawings

    Mark the appropriate box under "Multi Draw." This will play your numbers for the number of drawings you select.

    Fourth, choose the time of day you want to play. Mark the "DAY" box to play day drawing(s) only. Mark the "NIGHT" box to play night drawing(s) only. If you want to play consecutive Day and Night drawings, use the Multi Draw feature and leave the "DAY" and "NIGHT" boxes blank. Multi Draw selections are consecutive from the draw selected.

    * All claims are subject to state law and Texas Lottery rules, regulations, and procedures.

    LottoStrategies.com - More About Texas (TX) Pick 3 Night Lottery

    LottoStrategies.com provides the below information:
    • Texas Pick 3 Night drawing results (winning numbers), hot/cold Numbers, jackpots
    • Texas Pick 3 Night Prizes and Winning Odds, wheeling system, payout, frequency chart, how to play, how to win, etc.